Chair : Dr. B. Herawan Hayadi, S.Kom., M.Kom
Research Member :
1. Prof. Dra. Sri Hartati, M.Sc., Ph.D – University of Gadjah Mada
2. Prof. Dr. Kusrini, M.Kom – University of Amikom Yogyakarta
3. Prof Dr Hj Okfalisa, ST., M.Sc – UIN Suska Riau
4. Arief Aandy Soebroto, ST., M.Kom – Brawijaya University
In IEEE Creative Communication and Innovative Technology (ICCIT) 2022,
Learning Platform, Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support System, Education Technology, Renewable Energy, Blockchain, Expert System, and Digital Business.
Expert System Includes:
1. Visualization and Graphical Models
2. Knowledge Management and Decision-Support Systems
3. Web Services
4. Semantic Web Data Searching
5. Web Personalization and User Modeling AI Web systems
Abstract: Expert Systems
Expert systems were first developed by the AI community in the mid-1960s. The expert system that first appeared was the General Purpose Problem Solver (GPS) developed by Newel & Simon. An expert system is a system that tries to apply human knowledge to computers, so that computers can solve problems as is usually done by experts, and a good expert system is designed to be able to solve a particular problem by imitating the work of experts. Experts referred to here are people who have special skills who can solve problems that cannot be solved by ordinary people. Have the ability to work with incomplete and uncertain information. Users can respond with ‘don’t know’ or ‘not sure’ answers to one or more questions during the consultation and the system will still provide answers. The system itself is a software package or computer program package intended as a provider of advice and assistance in solving problems in certain areas of specialization such as science, engineering, mathematics, medicine, education and so on.
Expert systems were first developed by the AI community in the mid-1960s. The expert system that first appeared was the General Purpose Problem Solver (GPS) developed by Newel & Simon. An expert system is a system that tries to apply human knowledge to computers, so that computers can solve problems as is usually done by experts, and a good expert system is designed to be able to solve a particular problem by imitating the work of experts. Experts referred to here are people who have special skills who can solve problems that cannot be solved by ordinary people. Have the ability to work with incomplete and uncertain information. Users can respond with ‘don’t know’ or ‘not sure’ answers to one or more questions during the consultation and the system will still provide answers. The system itself is a software package or computer program package intended as a provider of advice and assistance in solving problems in certain areas of specialization such as science, engineering, mathematics, medicine, education and so on.