Author for Information
Submission Guidelines:

  1. All accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore.
  2. Paper must be using IEEE Paper format, to download IEEE Paper format template Click here.
  3. Paper submission process will be managed by using
  4. Single blind peer-review process will be used to evaluate all submitted papers. The decision regarding the acceptance of the papers is at the discretion of the Technical Program Committee.

On Revising your Papers
Please read carefully all the reviewers’ comments and reflect on them to improve your Final papers.

Final Manuscript :

  1. Every Final Manuscript must use PDF eXpress to create the PDF file to ensure Xplore compatibility.
    55355X is the Conference ID for ICCIT PDFExpress
  2. Proofread your source document thoroughly to confirm that it will require no revision.
  3. Any changes made to a PDF after IEEE PDF eXpress conversion or PDF Checking may invalidate Xplore compatibility. This includes headers, page numbers, copyright notice, watermarks, etc. If any of these elements are desired, they should be added to the document before a PDF is created.


English is the working language of the conference. If English is not your native language, please have your papers read by a native English speaker, or seek online services of proofreading to improve the language of your papers. Please note that your paper is subject to further review and it may be rejected if it is deemed that the English of your paper is not acceptable.

Information for Author

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit an original and unpublished paper that are fulfilled through the EasyChair account and follow the Guidelines to prepare your manuscript. We only accept submissions through EasyChair System. Submission through an email address should be considered a scam. Read here on how to create your EasyChair account.