![Education Technology](https://iccit-conference.org/2022/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/150px-Sudaryono-150x150.jpeg)
Research Member :
1. Marviola Hardini, S.Kom., MIEEE – University of Raharja
2. Fitra Putri Oganda, S.Kom., MIEEE – University of Raharja
3. Muhamad Dede Soleman, S.Kom – University of Raharja
4. Tata Subrata, S.Kom – Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Council
5. David Arayoga Saka, S.Kom – University of Raharja
6. Imam Ma’ruf, S.Kom – University of Bumigora
7. Betari Ayu Almadania Laksminingrum, S.Kom – University of Raharja
8. Anggi Parlindungan Sagala, S.Kom – University of Raharja
In IEEE Creative Communication and Innovative Technology (ICCIT) 2022,
Learning Platform, Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support System, Education Technology, Renewable Energy, Blockchain, Expert System, and Digital Business.
Education Technology Includes:
1. Web Based Learning
2. Hybrid Learning
3. E-learning Education
4. The Development
Application and Evaluation of Systems
5. Interactive Media Learning
Educational technology is the ethical study and practice of facilitating and improving learning performance by creating, using or utilizing, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. The study and ethical practice can be through the creation, use, regulation of processes, and technological resources. Educational Technology, especially in the University environment, is a means of lighting and supporting all needs in this modern era. This pathway is a form of increasing motivation in building an educational environment and increasing utility for the development of science and technology in higher education so that it is in harmony with the Education 4.0 ecosystem.