Research Members :
1. Marviola Hardini, S.Kom., MIEEE – University of Raharja
2. Fitra Putri Oganda, S.Kom., MIEEE – University of Raharja
3. Dr. Sudaryono, SP., S.Pd., M.Pd. – Jakarta State University
4. Thufail Rafii Habibillah, S.Ds – University of Matana
5. Allya Nissa Daswar, S.Si – State University of Padang
6. Mohammad Hairid Zulhi, S.Kom – Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Council
In IEEE Creative Communication and Innovative Technology (ICCIT) 2022,
Learning Platform, Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support System, Education Technology, Renewable Energy, Blockchain, Expert System, and Digital Business.
Digital Business Includes:
1. Digital Intrapreneurship and Sustainability
2. Suntainable Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Digital Technology
3. Digital Transformation of Business and Industries
4. Digital Business Model Innovation for Sustainability
Abstract : Digital Business
Digital business is one type of service that uses advanced technology when making a product or in the marketing process creates competitive advantage through creating unique value for customers by means of digital transformation. Is not only related to selling a product without its form, such as software. All types of businesses whose product sales are done online, be it through websites or applications can also be in the form of goods or services, for example the ability to provide interesting writing, then you can become a content writer. This expertise can be used as the core of the business that will be carried out. This development is rapidly at this time due to the fast internet network as well. As long as internet users are increasing and internet access is easy, this business will always have the potential to be cultivated.