Chair : Dr. Sandi Rahmadika, M.T., M.Eng – (Wonkwang University, South Korea)

Research Members :
1. Marviola Hardini, S.Kom., MIEEE – University of Raharja
2. Fitra Putri Oganda, S.Kom., MIEEE – University of Raharja
3. Dr. Sudaryono, SP., S.Pd., M.Pd. – Jakarta State University
4. Thufail Rafii Habibillah, S.Ds – University of Matana
5. Allya Nissa Daswar, S.Si – State University of Padang
6. Mohammad Hairid Zulhi, S.Kom – Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Council

In IEEE Creative Communication and Innovative Technology (ICCIT) 2022,
Learning Platform, Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support System, Education Technology, Renewable Energy, Blockchain, Expert System, and Digital Business.

Blockchain Includes:
1. Cloud Computing Blockchain
2. Data Storage Blockchain
3. Decentralized Finance Blockchain
4. Network Security
5. Financial Technology (FinTech)

Abstract : Blockchain
Blockchain is a technology that is used as a storage system or digital data bank connected to cryptography. Its use is inseparable from Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies. Blockchain empowers decentralized systems by bringing together the most incompatible unstructured entities and integrating them. The decentralized storage system is armed with smart contracts that act as layers of control, featuring impenetrable security, immutability, traceability, and transparency. Because centralized storage has inherent problems, such as a single point of failure with multiple possible data breaches, a lot of duplicated data being stored repeatedly in one location, and a lack of trust in third parties for data stored in centralized storage. The interesting thing about this system is that it does not require transaction fees, such as infrastructure. Based on this, we can conclude that it is the easiest and simplest way to convey information quickly, securely and automatically. As an innovation, this technology does have several advantages. With a system in which each block can check each other, the possibility of errors is even less. This song aims to publish a series of special editions on Decentralization integrated into the Industrial Revolution 4.0.